Monday, April 15, 2013

The Ushering In Of A New Season

The word of AhaYah is true whether we understand it or not. Heaven and Earth shall pass away but the Word of AhaYah will never pass away. Approximately 2000 years ago the age of the Church was ushered in and the Hebrew Israelites resisted and sought to hold on to the tenants of their then culture, customs and traditions. However,  Jesus/YeshaYah who is the Word of AhaYah came along and ushered in a new era giving the Gentiles an opportunity to receive salvation. Our Majestic leader and Hebrew Messiah was so adamant in His plan and declaration to have the Hebrew Israelites transition from the old way to the new way that He completely run the Hebrew Israelite Nation out of Israel for a season so that the Hebrew Israelite culture with all of its rituals and statues would be thoroughly hindered. Luke 211:24

The Hebrew Israelite Nation carried the message of AhaYah's word and passed the baton of the Gospel message on to the Gentile so that they may win a many converts to the Hebrew Israelite Culture in an allotted period of time. That time of the Gentile is now expired and it is time to pass the baton back to the original vine so that they can finish the race and usher in the literal Kingdom of AhaYah on Earth thereby re-establishing the House of David. Amos 9:12, Acts 15:16

To resist this process is futile. To refuse to go along with this process is equivalent to fighting Jesus/YeshaYah as the Apostle Paul (whom were at that time call Saul) experienced in his resistance to will and intent of AhaYah's Son Jesus/YeshaYah during the former transition from the Hebrew Israelites age/season to the Gentile Season.  The Hebrew Israelite Nation and those who has been grafted into the Hebrew Israelite Family will succeed in carrying the message of the Kingdom of AhaYah and that during this New Age called the Kingdom Age/Season which will be led by the Hebrew Israelites not the Gentiles. Do you want to be in the will of AhaYah? Get on board to catch the new wave of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus/YeshaYah said that Jerusalem would be trampled down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles would be over. In other words Jesus/YeshaYah was saying that the Hebrew Israelites would be run out of Jerusalem so that they would no longer spread their influence of the old way until the gentile complete their assignment. Jesus/YeshaYah was saying that the Land of Israel would be vacated by the Hebrew Israelites for a season until the time of the Gospel going out to carry the Good news message of salvation to the Gentiles is over.  The Gentile Season/Age  is the time and the season  for Gentiles to take the reins (only for a specific period of time) to bringing the World into the Hebrew Israelite Family. IT IS FINISHED/OVER!

Here is the Key to understanding the old transition of salvation coming to the Gentiles and the present transition which is taking place to return the reins back to the Hebrew Israelite Nation now that the season on the Gentiles is expired. Think of the transition in terms of a relay race.

The Relay Race

A relay race is a race between two or more teams of contestants in which each contestant run a specific portion of the distance. The first runner runs a specific portion of the distance then passes the baton to the next runner after the first runner complete its allotted distance of the race. The next runner run its allotted distance until completed then passed the baton to the next runner after he complete his allotted distance. Again, all this transpires while competing against another team following the same rules and each person with like aspirations of getting to the finished line first. The process is repeated until the race is complete and the hope is that the last person carrying the baton on the final leg of the race will go on to achieve victory for the whole team.

Thus we have the dilemma whereby the Gentile season of running the race is over. Now more than ever it is imperative that the Gentiles pass the baton to the next runner which is The Hebrew Israelite Nation so that the race may continue and eventually be completed and ultimately WON. 

To delay the passing of the baton to the next runner after the runner  has completed their assigned length and time period places the whole team at risk of losing the race. The runner carrying the baton is usually extremely exhausted after running their assigned portion of the race. The opposing team having understood that the advantage is to pass the baton to a fresh runner does so in the quickest time possible in the hope of victory.

The Gentile Christian Church must understand this value. The Church has exhausted all it's energy and resources to continue the race. To not pass the baton is to experience certain defeat. We are competing against a relentless enemy that knows no bounds. White Christian Gentiles please pass the baton to your team member that we will deal with the devil and his children in ways that the White Christian Gentiles are not assigned to do so. 

This transition of the carrying of, The Message of the Kingdom Age to the World and the placing of the reins back into the hands of the Hebrew Israelites cannot be stopped. It is inevitable! However it is easier if White Gentile Christians understood what is happening so that the transition can transpire much quicker and smoother for both parties.

What's happening in America?

Let's look to see what has happened and is happening in White Christian America. The White Gentile Christians are seriously lagging in the race to the point of embarrassment in their leg just as the Hebrew Israelites Nation were embarrassed when they ran their first leg of the race over 2000 years ago. White Gentile Christians have been completely neutralized of significant effectiveness on the World stage.  Now is left only stagnation, no new revelation, no fresh word, no fresh manna, no life sustaining water.

Applauds to the enemy, your satanic strategy was successful, you won a battle however the race is not over yet. Now get ready to be routed by the Chosen of AhaYah whom you and your evil, weed seed children the, "Jews," deceived first and has done everything in your power to get rid of, demonize, destroy and annihilate from the face of the Earth. Psalms 83:4 As it is written, we are about to stump you into the ground, take the prized banner of your children and wave it before AhaYah as a victory Wave offering.  Jeremiah 51:20

Good job, but not good enough fake, "Jews." You and your father satan greatest nightmare has just begun. Your time is up! From here on, your kingdom goes downhill.  Now get ready for the battle, it is written, WE WIN!

Rev 12:11

Satan, you have captured the Base of the White Gentile Christians and decimated their laws. Their home base has been destroyed by your children by means of complete infiltration and monopoly of the White Gentile Christians established political system which brought them to prominence. Now let's see you destroy the Constitution of The Hebrew Israelite Nation. Its call the Written and Living, Life giving Word of AhaYah. The Bible! Hallelu Yah.

Welcome to Your future satan!

Satan! We now know your tactics and your strategies. We now know and understand that the fake, "Jews," are your children sent to lie, distort the truth, kill, steal and destroy. No longer can your children pretend to be Hebrews and they are not. Rev 2:9, 3:9 Your kingdom is doomed! You and your children has been exposed, now you and your family are about to be vanquished. 

How America was defeated

It was not the enemy without which defeated White Christian America but the enemy which they allowed within their borders then slithered their way into the highest position of power within the US Government. The enemy White Christian America is swearing alliance to (Unconsciously) is still operating mercilessly with rootless precision while stealing, murdering, bribing, pillaging America and ripping her Constitution to shreds.  These low life vermin take no prisoners all the while they operate almost completely unnoticed like rats under the cover of darkness. Like undetected parasites living in its host victim, these blood suckers has slowly drained the spiritual life and financial wherewith out of America leaving her convulsing, gasping for air, barely hanging on to life.

The fake "Jews," used the Trojan Horse Tactic 
To Destroy Christian America!

                    Denver Airport              Troy

These children of satan are not playing, these people have a mission from their father satan that they must carry out with precision or face indescribable punishment. Satan is their taskmaster operating with no love, mercy or concern for them at all. If the fake, "Jews," fail do you know what is waiting for them? They must seek to conquer and destroy every nation they can slither into.

The Majority of our White Caucasian Christian brothers and sisters STILL do not know what has hit America. Most Americans do not realize the country has been conquered by a foreign Nation. The now destroyed system White Christian America built to supposedly sustain their lifestyle as Christians has been vanquished. They are scratching their head wondering what happened. They know the problem is with the politicians and the political system but they have yet to comprehend that there is a specific people that is and has caused all the problems because that is the sole purpose of the existence of the, Weed Seed fake, "Jews," and that is to destroy anything to do with Christ and Christianity.

While the Church slept these weed seeds ("Jews") that was sown in the night came in and took over America and now you see the results. The life of Christianity has been choked out of America as these weeds camouflage themselves as the Children of Israel, fooled White Christian America and stole her spiritual life, her wealth and tricked her into stealing the Promised land of Israel that they refuse to allow the Real Children of Israel to return to.

Wearing a complete camouflage of wheat (Children of Israel), these weeds (Fake Jews) has destroyed that which was thought to be a beautiful lawn of White Christian America. Satan is not playing, he is serious. Satan and his demons are not asleep. Their very existence and the kingdom of darkness is at stake. As far as satan is concerned the World and the prized possession of taking full control of AhaYah's beloved mankind is at stake.

Synagogue of Satan Rev 2:9, 3:9

The majority of White Christian America and the World still does not know that there is a family of people in the Earth that are and has always been dedicated to carrying out the will of satan in the Earth even though Jesus said it. John 8:44 Members of that family were groomed from childhood to take over governments and occupy the highest positions of it's Government and businesses. 

These vowed luciferians are groomed and trained to possess everything of worth and value then corner the markets of the World for total dominance.  What they can't obtain by sheer cunning lying, deception or theft they obtain by corruption and murder. No one and nothing escape their trap except they whom are completely wrapped and hidden under the wings of Almighty AhaYah our Elohim.

These dedicated satan worshipers do not play by man's ruled they play by satan's rules. They are extremely violent while preaching love and tolerance to neutralize the unsuspecting. Welcome to the World of the, "Jews!" Satan's children! I did not say this Jesus said it! So they would call Jesus a anti-Semitic too to try to neutralize Him? But who gives a dang what they say, do or think? They are born liars, deceivers and murderers just like their father the devil. Oh they fooled you too into thinking they were God's chosen people Huh? No, Jesus said they are the weed that was sown by satan at night while everyone sleep thousands of years ago.  Matthew 13:25

Back then when they infiltrated the Hebrew Israelite Nation's (pretending to be Hebrews) Priesthood/Government they were called Pharisees and Sadducee.  Those same fake weeds who where called Pharisees and Sadducee are using a different title now to infiltrate a different Government which is hosting the Word of AhaYah to bring it down, The name they use today is "Jews."

One cannot tell the difference between weed and wheat until they mature. Wheat and weed look almost alike until it matures. Once matured weed choke out the life of wheat. Once matured weed show what it really is. Likewise, A Weed seed people will produce pornography, abortion, murder, scum, filth etc. Watch TV lately? Oh, you have already turned off the TV. Guess what? The "Jews," seeds of Weed owns all these stations. They can't produce nothing decent because a  bad tree cannot produce good fruit.  Matthew 7:18

Are You Beginning To Get The Picture Yet?

But for a season we were not able to tell that the fake, "Jews," were not the children of Israel as they claimed because we could not see their fruit. Hey, guess what? Their fruit are clear and ripe for the whole World to see. Their fruit are disgusting to witness and look upon. Soon you will watch them burn as weed is good for nothing but the FIRE! 
Matthew 13:30

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